Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Akta Kelahiran - Assignment


No. 484_1/1774-Cs/1990
Based on ————————————GENERAL———————————birth register by virtue of State Gazette —————————1920————————— in –Tangerang–it was recorded that in ——————–Tangerang————————————————- on date     the twenty eighth day of March,  at 20.35 WIB ——————————————in the year nineteen ———————————–ninety——————————— was born:
————————————————Andita Frista———————————————–
As the second child to the married couple:
This extract is in accordance with the current conditions.
Tangerang., on date the third day of May
In the year nineteen ninety
Head of the Registry Office
                                                                                                          NIP. 010 062 075

Senin, 01 Juli 2013

Definisi Penerjemahan Teks Khusus - Assignment

Penerjemahan adalah proses, cara, perbuatan menerjemahkan, pengalih bahasaan.
Teks adalah naskahyang berupa kata-kata asli dari pengarang, kutipan dari kitab suci untuk pangkal ajaran atau alasan, bahan tertulis untuk dasar memberikan pelajaran, pidato, dsb.
Khusus khas, istimewa, tidak umum.

Penerjemahan teks khusus adalah proses atau kegiatan pengalih bahasaan pada naskah atau bahan tertulis khusus atau tidak umum seperti dokumen, ijasah, ID card, dsb.

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

One Day Trip to Singapore With My Younger Brother - Assignment

I want to tell you about my trip to Singapore and my younger brother. On 13 April, we both went to Singapore for a one day trip. We went by an early morning flight at around 7 am and returned home at 11 pm because the plane from Singapore has been delayed due to bad weather.
We set out from home at about 4 am by rode a taxi. After arriving at the airport we immediately check in the plane, and sat in the waiting room. At 7 am, the plane ready to depart. 8 am Singapore time (by 1 hour time difference ahead of Indonesia), we arrived there. Before we got out of the airport immigration, we took a map of singapore complete by an attractive tourist sites and also the route of the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit). After exiting immigration, then we took our short break while disebuah in a breakfast shop called Toast Box. We ordered 2 servings of  grilled cheese and 2 cups of milk tea.
After breakfast, we went to the MRT station, we went to Orchard Road. Arriving at Orchard Road we took a walk to shopping from mall to mall. After that we then we rushed off to the Mustafa department store, located near Little India. We shopped for souvenirs and food to stock up at home. After Mustafa, we rushed again to the Merlion Park. Although we've been many times to Singapore, we had never been gone  to a place where there's mascot of Singapore. Upon arrival at the Merlion Park, we took pictures and enjoy the scenery there. Once satisfied by sights there, we decided to search for some food at Marina Bay Sands Mall which is located across from the Merlion Park. Because it is still affordable, we decided to walk. As we walked to Marina Bay Sands mall, there are many foreign tourists also go towards there. Arriving at the Mall, we went straight to the food court and foraging. Finished eating we checked our watches, it was already half past 7 pm, we had to rush quickly to the airport because we had to arrived at the airport at 8 pm and checked in for the flight at 10 pm Singapore time.
We used the MRT from the mall MRT station. And seek a route to Changi Airport. After a 1-hour trip, we arrived at Changi Airport, we immediately checked our flight, it turns out our flight got delayed 1 hour longer due to heavy rains accompanied by lightning in Singapore at that time. Finally we went to the restroom to changed clothes and cleaned the body. After it was o'clock half the 9 night we checked in. Upon check-in we went to the waiting room. We also had bought one chocolate in stores, and online at a dedicated computer for waiting passengers and we also had to use a foot massager that is provided free of charge.
11:30 plane could really go. We flew to Indonesia and arrived by same time, ie 11:30 Indonesian time. We picked up our parents, and then go home, and arrived at 1 am

Culinary of Pontianak, West Kalimantan - Assignment

This time I will tell you about a typical of culinary of Pontianak, West Kalimantan. This food may be a little familiar to us when we first saw it, much like lemper, made ​​from glutinous rice formed a triangle and wrapped in banana leaves. In it there ebi which makes this food aroma is sharper. This food called pengkang. How to cook pretty unique, two pengkang clamped using wood, then baked in the embers of the fire. The delicious taste makes it hard to stop opening the pages of this pengkang coatings banana leaf. This food can be found in the cottage Pengkang, about 30km from the city of Pontianak.

To add the enjoyment when eating pengkang, reserved sambal kepah or mussel souce as a condiment complement, this sauce is made with the main ingredient of many a kind of mussels that live in the forest of mangroves near the coast. When pengkang eaten with the uniqueness of sambal kepah, will feel a sense of spicy, savory, and sweet, very fitting in our tounge.

When you get to West Kalimantan, I thing you have to try pengkang, and it is very suitable to serve as a souvenir.

Liburan Bali - Assignment

Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan membahas tentang liburan saya ke bali. Pada bulan januari 2013 kemarin, saya bersama dua saudara saya berlibur ke bali dalam rangka penyegaran otak yang terlalu pusing pada urusan pendidikan kami pada saat itu. Saya berangkat dari Jakarta bersama adik perempuan saya, sehari setelahnya adik saya yang kuliah di jogja menyusul kami yang sudah mendapatkan hotel pada saat itu. Liburan hari pertama pun dimulai, hari pertama saya dan adik perempuan saya mengunjungi monumen memperingati bom bali selagi menunggu adik saya yang satu lagi yang sedang perjalanan ke arah penginapan kami. Hari pertama berlalu begitu saja sehingga kami ada di hari kedua.
Di hari kedua saya pun sudah bersama 2 adik saya hendak berpergian ke tanjung benoa untuk ber-water sport ria disana, setiba nya disana berbagai macam paket hiburan pun ditawarkan oleh sales-sales usaha water sport disana. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk mengikuti paket berkunjung ke pulau penyu, diving, dan jetski. Satu orang dikenakan biaya kurang lebih 700 ribu rupiah sudah termasuk biaya perahu yang mengangkut kami ke pulau penyu. Setiba nya di pulau penyu, kita bisa menjumpai berbagai macam penyu disini. Yang paling dominan di pulau ini yaitu penyu hijau dan penyu sisik. Ada yang berumur sampai 80 tahun dan ada juga yang berumur 2 minggu yang dipajang untuk para wisatawan yang datang untuk melihat penyu-penyu ini. Sebelumnya, kita dikenakan biaya tambahan untuk masuk ke pulau ini yaitu 5 ribu rupiah per orang. Selain penyu, disini juga ada iguana, kelelawar pemakan buah, ular, dan erbagai macam jenis burung. Setelah puas melihat dan berfoto-foto di pulau penyu, kami melanjutkan paket liburan kami di tanjung benoa ini yaitu jetski. Disini kami sempat beragumen satu sama lain, tadi nya saya menyarankan kita untuk diving terlebih dahulu. Tapi setelah adik-adik saya berpendapat bahwa kalau kami diving terlebih dahulu nanti nya baju yang kami pakai akan basah dan kami masih punya satu paket berlibur lagi yaitu bermain jetski.
Sebijaksana mungkin saya mendengarkan saran-saran itu, akhirnya kami putuskan untuk ber-jetski ria dahulu. Disini kami antri untuk mendapatkan giliran bermain jetski, karena pada saat itu ada rombongan yang sudah antri terlebih dahulu sebelum kami. Setelah bermain jetski, kami pun langsung ganti pakaian menyelam. Disini saya ditawarkan biaya ekstra oleh pengelola tanjung benoa untuk menggunakan kamera bawah air, setelah bertanya-tanya kepada kedua adik saya akhirnya kami memutuskan menambah biaya sebesar 300 ribu rupiah untuk diliput di bawah air sana menggunakan kamera bawah air. Setelah menggunakan pakain menyelam, kami dibawa ke tengah laut menggunakan speedboat. Disini kami tidak menambah biaya lagi karena sudah termasuk ke dalam paket. Setiba nya di lokasi menyelam, sebelum turun ke dalam air kami diberikan instruksi-instruksi. Contohnya cara berkomunikasi di bawah air hanya menggunakan kode-kode, cara mengetahui isi tabung oksigen, dan cara bernafas melalui mulut. Setelah instruksi sekitar 10menit, kami bergegas turun ke bawah air. Yang turun ke bawah air tidak hanya kami saja, kami didampingi beberapa orang yang sudah berkategori senior dalam hal selam-menyelam. Di bawah air, kami menemui gugusan karang yang sangat indah. Di dalamnya terdapat ikan-ikan kecil yang lucu nan imut. Kami berfoto-foto di depan gugusan karang itu. Terus ke bawah tekanan air semakin membuat telinga pengang. Adik saya yang perempuan tidak kuat lagi untuk terus ke bawah, akhirnya dia dibawa naik ke perahu dan saya dengan adik saya yang satu lagi turun sampai dasar. Sekitar 10 menit berselang, saya dan adik laki-laki saya pun baru naik ke atas perahu. Disini kami merasa sangat puas, bahkan saking terpukau nya dengan keindahan bawah laut kami pun sempat berdiaman selama beberapa menit. Waktu sudah sore dan kami pun pulang menuju penginapan.
Hari ketiga pun dimulai, pada hari ini kami berdiskusi dengan supir kami (kami disana menyewa mobil seharga 500 ribu per hari tp itu juga tergantung jarak yang akan ditempuh), alhasil kami memutuskan untuk ke daerah timur yaitu sekitaran uluwatu, tanah lot dan jimbaran. Kami mengunjungi beberapa obyek wisata pada hari ini, antara lain patung garuda wisnu kecana yang terdapat di uluwatu. Tanah lot, disini kita menjumpai pura yang berada diatas air. Dan jimbaran, yaitu lokasi terjadi nya bom bali dua. Keesokan hari nya, kami pun berkemas pulang ke jakarta. Tapi saya dan adik perempuan saya harus berpisah dengan adik laki-laki saya yang harus pulang ke jogja untuk urusan perkuliahan nya. Jadi kami beda pesawat, ada yang ke jakarta ada juga yang ke jogja. Walaupun agak singkat liburan kami kali ini, tapi liburan kali ini dapat mengurangi rasa stres kami terhadap urusan sekolah dan perkuliahan kami. Sekian cerita liburan kali ini

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

A Short Trip to Bromo

On March 21st  2013, me, my brother  and my father left for a short holiday to Bromo. We went by bus because we want to try travelling by bus. We rode on an executive bus named “Gunung Harta” , the bus fare is about Rp 220.000,- per pax. Our first destination is Surabaya. We had left at 2.30pm from Depok, then arrived in Surabaya at 10am. When we got in Bungurasih Terminal, Surabaya, we immediately found the bus to Probolinggo. The bus fare to Probolinggo is about Rp 24.000,- per pax. Jurney from Surabaya to Probolinggo is one and a half hour  long. We arrived in Probolinggo at 11.30am.
            We dropped off in front of the terminal gate. When we were dropped, there was an old man approached us and asked where we were going, and we answered him that we wanted to get to Bromo. Then, that old man took us to the base of cars that would take us to Bromo. The cars calls Elf. The elf car was enough to carry 15 passangers, the fee is Rp 25.000,- per pax if the elf car is full. But in that time, there was only five foreign people that waited the elf full. Because we didn’t want to wait any longer, eventually eight of us (me, my brother , my father and also that five foreigners) agreed to immediately rode to Bromo with more expensive fee, we had to pay Rp 40.000,- per pax.
            We arrived in Bromo at around 12.30pm. When we got there, eight of us were ushered into a guest house by the elf’s driver. The room price is Rp 200.000,- per night, room could be occupied for three persons and the price is included one extra bed. The room in pretty comfortable, a queen size bed with two blankets, the bathroom has a shower with hot water.
            After took a shower then changed clothes, the three of us got out from hotel and took a walk in the settlement. The scenery there was so amazing, I could see the vast desert and the mountains very clearly though a thick fog covered the upper part. After a long walk, we looked for some food. We stopped in a small canteen.  There were many food offered in that canteen, from noodle, fried rice, rawon, soto and local pancake.
            Then we met the owner of the guest house, ordered a Jeep to drive us toward the climbing to see the sunrise in the next early morning. The fee for a Jeep is Rp 400.000,-, the price included some trips, to climbing, bromo crater, savanna and also vast desert. Then we went back to our room to took a rest.
            At 8.00pm we left the room for dinner. We met a satay seller. We decided to eat satay for our dinner that night. After had the dinner, we went to some hotels there to check the room rate. After that we got back to our room then sleep because we had to gotten up earlier.
            At 3.00am, the hotel’s owner woke us up, we prepared to go to the early morning tour then got the jeep. The jeep was ready in front of the guest house.
            Along the way to the climbing, we met a lot of people, there were some with motorcycle, some with jeep and even tracking. After about one hour journey, we arrived at the top of the climbing. it was very cold at there. In the climbing, some benches provided there for the visitors to see the sunrise.  There were a lot of merchants that offered beanie, shawls, gloves, edelweiss flower and also rent out thick jackets and sweaters.
            When the sunrises slowly emerged, many people were perpetuating with handycam, camera, and picture taken with the sunrise as the background. Turned out to see the sunrise at the top of the mountain is more beautiful than on the beach, and people were excited in waiting for the sunrise eventhough the cold air almost made them frozen.  When we were satisfied with  the sunrise, we went back to the jeep and continued our tour to Bromo crater.
            When we got the location of Bromo crater, the jeep was parked in a parking lot, we had to hike up to the top of the crater. There are a lot men offered a horse to brought us to the top, but my brother and I prefer to hike, so only my father got the top by horse. The hike is approximately 45 minutes long. When we got at the top of Bromo crater, we took some pictures. The foodhold at the top of crater was very narrow, so we had to be very careful.
            Down from the top of the crater, we hurried to the savanna or commonly called ‘telletubies hill’ because the shape of the ground looked like a telletubies park. The scenery in savanna is very fresing the eyesight because there are so mary trees and the grass were grew thick. After that we went to the vast desert.  The desert was so beautiful, surrounded by mountains and soft sands that looked like it had been blown by the winds because we could see some smooth stroke there. We only briefly in the desert, after that at 8.30am, we returned to the guest house, had some breakfast then looked for elf to got back to Probolinggo. The elf’s driver said that the elf would leave at 10.00am. Then we were get ready to leave.
            At 10.00am, we set off with a full elf to bus terminal in Probolinggo. So we only had to pay Rp 25.000 per pax. Arrived at the terminal, we went straight to the bus to Surabaya.And until we got in Surabaya we also immediately found the bus to Depok. Unfortunately, the bus had already departed towards Depok, we finally took the bus to Lebak Bulus by passing Rawamangun.
            The next day, Sunday, the bus had entered Jakarta at 9.00am. We got off from the bus in Rawamangun then looked for a cab for Depok. We arrived in Depok at 10.30am.
            Well, that is my trip to Bromo. Very tiring but so much fun.